Friday, November 30, 2012

The Vis Vires, From Factor

Factor has revealed this image confirming the name of their all new model; the ‘Vis Vires’. This is the first
teaser shot in the lead-up to the launch of the new bike next year.
The name ‘Vis Vires’ is inspired by the Latin word ‘vis’ meaning ‘force’ and ‘power’.
“We feel the Vis Vires captures the essence of everything we’re doing at Factor,” says John Bailey,
managing director, “Most obviously, since the top level bike will come with our own proprietary force
measurement cranks; force and power fit perfectly. We also feel like our unique approach to design and
integration will inspire the cycling industry.”
Factor will hold a private launch event in Spring 2013. “The initial plan was to launch the Vis Vires at an
industry show, but we didn’t want to rush (or delay) the launch to meet show dates,” says James
Shingleton, business development director, “The Vis Vires will be ready in the Spring next year, so that’s
when we’ll launch it!”
Factor will be releasing teaser shots and technical information on the Vis Vires in the run-up to the launch.
Follow the Factor Bikes Facebook page;, and Twitter page;
@FactorBikes for more updates.


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